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Washi 9F09 Black Magic Shears

Washi 9F09 Black Magic Shears
Shears that are a great all around cutting tool, lightweight, and with well balanced blades.
$249.00 USD
The "Black Magic" titanium hair shear cuts smooth and feels virtually weightless in your hand. Classic off-set handle design ensures a great fit for most stylists. This shear's great features have made it one of our best sellers for 12 years!
- Shear Size: 5.5" or 6.0"
- Japanese 440C Steel
- Slight Offset Handle
- Click Plate Adjuster
- Semi-Convex Edge
- Titanium Color Finish
- Lifetime Warranty
- Lifetime Sharpening
- Free Oil and Chamois Cloth
- Free Finger Inserts