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Washi FAT Ultimate Swivel Shears
Product Discontinued
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This hair shear features a Forward Advanced Rotating Thumb Ring position. This allows for less thumb travel reducing stress originating from repetitive thumb movement. The swivel shear cutting position flattens your wrist and lowers your elbow and shoulder positions. Made in Japan from Authentic Japanese Hitachi 440c Steel. Perfect for slide cutting,wet or dry. Features Washi Anti-Push Edge. Includes Case and Texture razor.
- Shear Size: 5.5", 6.0"
- Forged Hitachi 440C Steel
- Forward-set Swivel Handle
- Back-screw Tension Adjuster
- Slide-cut Convex Edge
- Nylon Bumper
- Lifetime Warranty
- Lifetime Sharpening
- Free Oil & Chamois Cloth
- Free Finger Inserts